Saved Searches

You can save your frequently used searches. If you wish, you can then share saved searches with other analysts and groups.

Saving the Search

Before you start

You must have Manage Searches Admin selected in the Admin tab of your General Access security role.

  1. Conduct a search.
  2. When the results are displayed, select the button on the toolbar.
  3. In the Save Search As dialog box, type a name for your search and select OK.

You can save your search to the toolbar by selecting and then Preferences. Select the Configuration tab from the Wrapper Options window. Expand the Saved Searches group in the Toolbar Options table, and locate your saved search. Then simply add it to the customized toolbar. See Personal Settings for more details on how to format your toolbar to suit your needs.

Viewing Saved Searches

Before you start

You must have Manage Searches Admin selected in the Admin tab of your General Access security role.

  1. Select and then hover over Saved Searches. You will see your saved searches, and any searches that have been saved by other people and shared with you, listed in the pop-out menu.

    Alternatively, you can select the arrow next to the toolbar Search button , hover over Saved Searches , and you will see the saved searches at the bottom of the submenu.
  2. Click on the search you wish to view to display the search window, with completed search criteria and search results.

Sharing Saved Searches

You can share searches that you think may be useful to other analysts or teams.

Before you start

You must have Manage Searches Admin selected in the Admin tab of your General Access security role.

  1. Select , hover over Saved Searches, and select Manage Searches from the submenu.

    Alternatively, select the arrow next to the toolbar Search button . Then hover over Saved Searches in the menu, and select Manage Searches from the submenu.
  2. The Manage Searches window appears, with a list of all searches that you have saved, and those that are currently shared with you. You can also see from the checkbox to the right of the search whether it is shared. The view is controlled by radio buttons at the top of the window.
  3. Use the radio button to view All Saved Searches. This shows a second table at the bottom of the window - Shared with Groups. The groups displayed in this table depend on the type of call selected, showing the IPK groups for calls and the workflow groups for requests and tasks.
  4. In the top table, identify the search you want to share, and tick the Shared checkbox, dragging the column to the left if necessary to see the box clearly.
  5. In the bottom table, select the groups that you want to share the search with, or the Select All button to share with them all.
  6. Repeat for all of the searches that you want to share, and then click the Close button.

The searches will now be shared with analysts who are members of the identified groups.

Viewing Shared Searches

Before you start

You must have Manage Searches Admin selected in the Admin tab of your General Access security role.

  1. Select , hover over Saved Searches, and then over Shared Searches in the submenu.

    Alternatively, select the arrow next to the toolbar Search button. Then hover over Saved Searches in the menu, and then Shared Searches in the submenu.
  2. All shared searches available to you are listed in a pop out menu. Select the one you want to view from the list displayed.
  3. The search window is shown, with the relevant criteria selected and results in the browse table.

Deleting Saved Searches

You can delete searches that you have saved.

  1. Select and then hover over Saved Searches. You will see your saved searches, and any searches that have been saved by other people and shared with you, listed in the pop-out menu.
  2. Click on the search you wish to delete to display the search window, with completed search criteria and search results.
  3. Select the button from the toolbar.
  4. Confirm the deletion in the pop-up window. The search remains on screen, but if you select and then hover over Saved Searches, you will notice that it no longer appears in the list.